
Data Analytics &

Brief Skills Info

I embrace the full lifecycle of analytics, including the iterative communications to build the problem towards a valuable result, the interpretive conclusions, but especially the nitty-gritty data mining.

Detailed Bio

Knowing exactly what is going into the analysis is key to understanding how to build the solution, which is something I learned over my 10 years as a Geophysicist. I am a people person who thrives in an integrated team atmosphere, managing goals to achieve results using my new software skills in Microsoft SQL, Python, IBM SPSS Modeler, Microsoft Azure, and Power BI to efficiently empower decision makers with effective analytical tools.

I am looking for opportunities where I can make an impact to the company. Help develop my skills and knowledge in the tech world, while using my strong analytical and communication skills to deliver results and steer decision makers towards the most productive outcomes. I am still researching career path opportunities to understand where my passion best meets a companies goals, but I am excited to discover what opportunities lie ahead.

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